• Resolved WPJEDI


    We have used this plugin for a long time with no issues. Today I decided to upgrade from 5.3 to 5.3.1. Now we get Unable to load Redirection ☹️</img> v5.3.10. When I downgraded, I lost all my redirects. Very disappointing. Thousands of redirects got deleted. Latest version all of a sudden doesn’t let me see my redirects on any of my sites.

    Is anyone else having these issues?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I was getting an error page, too.

    I de-activated 5.3.10, reloaded 5.3.9, re-saved permalinks, cleared cache and all seems to be working again for me.

    Plugin Author John Godley


    5.3.10 contains a very small change that will not affect your site in any way. It is much more likely that the problem you are seeing is caused by something else, and you should follow the instructions on the screen and see what error is shown in your browser console.

    Downgrading will not remove any redirects

    Thread Starter WPJEDI


    It shouldn’t but it did in this case on one site only. 5.3.9 works absolutely fine. We have over 20 sites. All of them don’t work with 5.3.10 but work with 5.3.9 with no problem. We didn’t change any plugins, we didn’t change any theme code, it definitely is something with the plugin that is not allowing it to load.

    @beniellis does 5.3.10 work for you at all? Or are you using 5.3.9?

    Plugin Author John Godley


    Have you looked at your browsers developer console to see what the error is? As this is not a common occurrence it seems more likely that something else from another plugin could be causing the problem.

    Thread Starter WPJEDI


    I may have found the solution. It seems the problem is an old Firefox. It says unable to load on Firefox (older version) but on Chrome, everything loads fine. Well, sorry about that 🙂 I wish older firefox was supported too but no big deal. Not the developer’s fault.

    Plugin Author John Godley


    Do you know the old version number?

    Thread Starter WPJEDI


    I think it is 56.0.2. I know it is very old 🙂 The reason I use it is because of an extension I use for work that is not available for newer versions of Firefox. It worked fine and there were no issues but the new version of Redirection doesn’t work on it. That’s fine. No big deal. It’s not anybody’s fault. It’s my fault. I should not use this old browser for serious work. 🙂

    Sorry about wasting your time. Thanks for all the help.

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