• Despite being two years into using Astra, I still find it to be confusing and user-unfriendly.

    Want a straight-forward two layer menu? It’s not easy. I can’t find simple instructions. And I have found settings for this in the Customize section as well as the Menus section. Do both apply? Does one override the other? What about the settings under sticky menu and transparent menu? Why can’t it all be in one spot?

    The documentation provided is thin and often unhelpful.

    • This topic was modified 10 months ago by pfittravis.
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  • Hello @pfittravis

    I apologize for your frustrating experience with Astra. Despite being recognized for its speed and customization options, Astra also provides several resources such as documentation, videos, and tutorials that can aid with usability.

    However, have you tried contacting Astra’s support team for help with the specific issues you’re encountering? The support team may be able to provide more personalized guidance and support to help you navigate the tool more effectively.

    Astra offers a visual header builder that allows users to customize their website’s header using a drag-and-drop interface, which can be found under the customizer->header builder section.

    I’m sorry again that Astra’s usability and documentation have not met your expectations, and I hope that Astra’s support team and available resources can assist you in resolving these issues.

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