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  • Hello,

    Just for the information, what do you see under WordPress Dashboard Nav Menu? There is a possibility that you can edit that under Appearance » Menus

    See if that helps.


    I made both home links link to the same home page, but I need to remove one of them. I don’t want double links.

    I’m not really sure I understand your problem.

    If you don’t want double links, why did you make “both home links link to the same home page”, as you say in the above-quoted paragraph, instead of simply removing one?

    Are you clicking the REMOVE link but the menu isn’t removing? Is it getting removed in the dashboard, but doesn’t reflect on the public website? What’s really stopping you from removing the link?

    Thread Starter zimited


    I went to Appearence > Menus and created a new menu with the selected pages. This made there only be one home button for some reason.

    Thanks! Its fixed.

    I’m glad you got this sorted.

    My guess is that the menu you were seeing earlier was a default menu created by your Divi theme. Creating a custom menu and assigning it to the same location (as you did) overrides the default menu created by the theme.

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