• Can I sell video lessons and physical products using woocommerce and tutorlms…example, someone buys a lesson and two physical items at the same time, creating one account, or using their existing account? They can then only access their lesson by logging into the site and having bought that lesson, access it? No downloads.

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  • Plugin Support Md Rashed Hossain


    Hello @donherion

    Yes, you can certainly sell both video lessons and physical products using WooCommerce and Tutor LMS on your website. Here’s how it can work:

    1. Selling Video Course: You can create courses with Tutor LMS where each course consists of video lessons. When a user purchases a course, they can access the lessons through their account on your site. There won’t be any direct downloads; users will view the lessons on your site.

    2. Selling Physical Products: Using WooCommerce, you can set up products for physical items like books, merchandise, etc. Customers can add these products to their cart and proceed to checkout.

    3. Combining Purchases: Users can buy both a course (video lesson) and physical products in a single transaction. WooCommerce handles the checkout process, allowing customers to purchase multiple items at once.

    4. Accessing Lessons: After purchasing a course, users can log into their account on your site and access the video lessons associated with the course they bought. This access is managed through Tutor LMS, ensuring that only paying customers can view the course content.

    5. Account Integration: WooCommerce and Tutor LMS can be integrated to work together seamlessly. Users can use their existing accounts or create new ones during checkout. The integration ensures that purchases (both courses and physical products) are linked to the user’s account for easy management and access.

    Overall, with WooCommerce handling physical product sales and Tutor LMS managing course sales and access, you can create a cohesive experience where customers can buy lessons and physical items together, all managed through a single account on your website.

    Thank you.

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