• Resolved marc7



    When I create a Cover Block, it makes the image much darker than it is original.

    See https://religies.marckant.be/
    under the horizontal line is a image of a downward-pointing arrow with some text.
    I put the original image below it, so you can see the difference.
    Turning this immage into a Cover Block makes it look darker like above, even without text.

    ( I use child-theme on Twenty-Twenty-Three )

    Thanks for your suggestions to solve this.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator jordesign


    Hi @marc7

    Cover blocks have an ‘overlay’ setting which does deliberately make images darker (for cases where there is other content, like text, over the top of it).\

    When you edit your cover block – you’ll be able to adjust the overlay to be fully transparent (meaning it won’t make things darker). This Support Doc has details on how to do that.

    Cover block
    Thread Starter marc7


    Hello @jordesign

    I’m used to working with the cover block though, but for some reason I looked over the setting. It is again very much searching for the location of the settings in the editor now that everything has completely changed again. But so found again now.
    Thanks for your response !

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