• Resolved SimplyMarkB


    I have a taxonomy page with ACF fields that work perfectly fine. I need to turn off a feature on the front end. I created a true/false field on my taxonomy page. In my functions.php I have:
    $somevar = get_field(‘true_false’);
    when I check the var it’s always a blank space instead of true or false. I tried even adding a radio button with on/off and the radio button only sends a blank space. Does anyone know why I am not getting the value in my functions.php?

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  • Plugin Support ACF Support


    Hi @smartguyus

    ACF Support Team here. This forum is generally used by ACF users to help each other out. 

    However, we would love to continue investigating and troubleshooting this issue, please can you create a ticket using our ​support form and we can look into it further.

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