• I am testing on WP 6.6beta and have Version installed.
    I get these errors for all Tribe Blocks and am unable to add event meta to a new event at all.

    I’m not running many plugins.
    WP Performance Lab related plugins
    Gravity Forms

    Your site doesn’t include support for the “tribe/event-datetime” block. You can leave this block intact or remove it entirely.
    Your site doesn’t include support for the “tribe/event-price” block. You can leave this block intact or remove it entirely.
    Your site doesn’t include support for the “tribe/event-organizer” block. You can leave this block intact or remove it entirely.

    None of these work along with any other tribe block.

    I’m using my own custom theme

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter GuerillaDesigns


    I have deactivated all other plugins, and switched to the 2024 theme and still have the same issue.

    Plugin Support tristan083


    Hi @guerilladesigns ,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    I regret to inform you that The Events Calendar is not yet fully compatible with Full Site Editing themes like 2024 (see Partial Support for FSE Themes). Have you tried the plugin in WordPress 6.5.5 and twenty-twenty theme?

    Thread Starter GuerillaDesigns


    Hey, thanks for the follow up. I had some blocks in the site from an old version that was letting me create events, and that worked up until 6.5.5 I believe. However, this was already a broken experience that I was making work.

    Is the a road map for the work required to function in FSE available?
    I would think the new block bindings API and the native custom field changes are making this much more doable.

    Thread Starter GuerillaDesigns


    Thread Starter GuerillaDesigns


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