• Resolved marleic84


    Hi there,

    I have a problem using Translatepress (Version 2.7.1). After translating the whole website, the language switch works on all pages, but not on the “Home” page. When the language switch is activated on the “Home” page, the following note appears: The domain perceptec.de was registered
    by a checkdomain customer and is currently under construction.

    I have already run a conflict test and deactivated all plugins and themes. The problem still persists.

    Do you have a solution for my problem?

    Best regards,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter marleic84


    Hi there, the problem is solved. I contacted the host. Here is the reply:

    In the root directory of your domain there are always 2 folders DE and EN in which an index.html is located, which generates this Checkdomain Parking page. You did not overwrite this data during the WordPress installation, if you activate the plugin, this will probably continue on /en. We have removed the old, no longer needed data – the process should now work.

    Best regards,


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