• Hello,

    We were using RET connection for years for MLS system in South East Florida till we were forced to switch to IDX Web IP (Trestle). Now we are having problem to download listings. We were able to successfull connect and “Successful connect to the MLS Server” and load fields but when we try manual import we get

     Server error: GET https://api-trestle.corelogic.com/trestle/odata/PublicRecordPropertySearch?$count=true&$skip=0&$top=10 resulted in a 500 Internal Server Error response: {“error”:{“code”:”InternalServerError[500]. TraceId: 29163975-32ab-43a3-85bd-f9750c53071f”,”message”:”Internal Server Er (truncated…)

    I appreciate if you can help me to fix this problem.



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