• I created some sliders and set “Slide Show Time” to 1 second and “Transition Speed” to 3 seconds. This gave me a smooth and calm animation. Everything works as it should, but only if viewed on a computer (tested in Chrome and Edge). And if you open the slider page on your phone, Transition Speed is not 3 seconds but 1 (tested in mobile Chrom and Safari), in which case the slideshow turns into an attention test :). How to fix it?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author htmgarcia


    Hi @ll2pakll

    by “Slideshow time” you mean “Slide delay”, correct?

    You have more than one slideshow in your home, which one is related to the issue?


    • This reply was modified 1 week, 6 days ago by htmgarcia.
    Thread Starter ll2pakll


    Hi @htmgarcia

    Maybe the problem is in localization, I circled the right item in red. I have it called “Transition Speed”.
    The problem affects all slides, not a particular one. All of them work properly on the computer, but on the phone the pictures change very fast.


    • This reply was modified 1 week, 5 days ago by ll2pakll.
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 5 days ago by ll2pakll.
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 5 days ago by ll2pakll.
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 5 days ago by ll2pakll.
    Plugin Author htmgarcia


    I see the issue, however I’m trying to replicate in local with no luck. When this started happening? as example: after a plugin update

    Thread Starter ll2pakll



    Saturday or Sunday (can’t remember exactly), I installed your plugin for the first time and it worked like this from the beginning.
    Perhaps your plugin communicates somehow with the “tmp” folder for temporary files? Just after installation WordPress refused to work normally, until my hosting admin created such a folder in the root directory of the serwer. Maybe this information will help in some way?

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 4 days ago by ll2pakll.
    Plugin Author htmgarcia


    Let’s try something. Please download and install this previous version of the plugin. See if things works better then.

    Thread Starter ll2pakll



    I deleted the “ml-slider” folder from the “/autoinstallator/wordpress/wp-content/plugins” folder. And copied there the folder from the archive you sent me. I cleared the image cache in Chrom on my phone. Reloaded the page, but unfortunately nothing changed.

    Plugin Author htmgarcia


    Usually “Slide delay” is expected to be higher than “Transition speed”. Please change the values for “Slide delay” to 3000 and “Transition speed” to 1000


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