• I want to give it 4.5 stars. I rounded up. Since it was easy enough to make a work-around for any of my issues, it deserves at least a 4. And it works for keyboard-only users. I rejected 4 other table of contents plugins immediately after installing because there was no way for a keyboard-only user to open a closed table of contents and/or the links inside. This one can be tabbed to. Yay!

    I like that you can specify the heading level depth (though this is true of all table of contents plugins I tried). You can stop the ToC from appearing on specific pages and posts by listing the page/post id’s to exclude in the settings. I just discovered that you can also hide the table of contents on individual pages by using the shortcode and including heading="h0". No heading levels, no table of contents at all. (If this is not documented somewhere, it should be, because it is a useful feature for editors who do not have access to plugin settings.) However, explaining to my website owners that they need to add a shortcode to hide the table of contents is a bit strange.

    We have two custom post types and only want it to show on one. Checking the “Posts” box made it show not only on regular posts, but also on both custom post types. I used CSS display:none; to hide it on the type where we never want it to show, for lack of an alternative.

    My remaining issue concerned the styling, but I tend to modify most everything with my own CSS, and it was very easy to override the plugin’s styling.

    By the way, I just upgraded to WordPress 6.3 and the plugin still works.

    Oh, and it was able to generate a ToC on the “Opt-Out Preferences” page generated by Complianz, which several block-based ToC’s could not do because the generated content appears after the ToC’s block does. So now I am replacing all my ToC blocks on my personal site with the automatically-generated Rich Table of Contents and eagerly anticipating not having to insert another ToC block every time I write a new blog page.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by greentreefrog.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by greentreefrog. Reason: Impove accuracy regarding hiding posts/pages
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