• Resolved matthew016



    I am trying to change “Total” to custom text, but I cannot figure out where to change it in invoice.php. Also, I would like to remove the subtotal completely.

    Thank you for your help!



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  • Plugin Contributor Ewout


    Hi! To change that label you have to use the filter wpo_wcpdf_woocommerce_totals, which filters an array of the totals. The total and subtotal itself are not editable directly inside invoice.php because they are dynamic and this printed based on the available data (just like the order items).

    Here’s the basic setup for this filter:

    add_filter( 'wpo_wcpdf_woocommerce_totals', 'wpo_wcpdf_woocommerce_totals_custom', 10, 3 );
    function wpo_wcpdf_woocommerce_totals_custom( $totals, $order, $document_type ) {
        // Do your magic here
        return $totals;

    Much easier is the Premium Templates extension, which lets you do this in a drag & drop interface and also add much more informations (split out taxes, change prices to include or exclude tax, etc).

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter matthew016


    Thanks for your help Ewout! Am I able to turn off subtotals and edit the total label in the premium version?



    Plugin Contributor Ewout



    By the way, hiding the subtotal in the free version is also possible with CSS:

    .totals.cart_subtotal { display:none; }

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter matthew016


    I actually bought the premium version, thanks for recommending it. I am only having trouble with one thing now. I want to replace the title “Invoice” with “Receipt”. I managed to do it on the free simple template, but I can’t seem to find where to change it on the premium.

    Thanks for all your help.



    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    Hi Matt, this is the same in both the Simple and the premium templates:

    If you have any other questions regarding the premium templates, please email us at support@wpovernight.com instead. WordPress.org does not allow us to use these forums for premium support.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Ewout.
    Thread Starter matthew016


    Thanks so much for all your help.

    Thread Starter matthew016


    I came across a couple more questions, sorry. Is it possible to change the attachment and slug name so that “invoice” is replaced with other text? Also, in woocommerce on the “My Account” page there is a button to “Download Invoice (PDF)”. Is it possible to change this?

    Sorry for all the questions, and thanks for the help.



    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    Hi Matt,
    Sure, check out the documentation:
    Custom PDF filenames
    Change My Account button text:

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter matthew016


    Thank you

    Thread Starter matthew016


    You have been so much help thank you Ewout. Last thing I am having issues with is inserting an image in an additional text field or footer. I have added an image in both and they work for a while, but then start to return “Image not found or type unknown”. I am using an img tag and have tried both jpg and png. Any ideas?

    Plugin Contributor Ewout


    It’s possible your server is blocking remote images. If you use a server path instead it will not have this issue.
    Inserting images
    If you don’t know the path to your site on the server, you can check the Status tab of the PDF invoice settings for reference. Copy the first part from the ‘Central temporary plugin folder’, up to /wp-content/ (depending on where the file is of course).

    Thread Starter matthew016


    Thanks for the advice Ewout. It is quite strange, I tried the server path option and it didn’t work. I went back to the normal image URL and it seems to be working again. I am hoping it doesn’t break on me again!

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