• Resolved hamil


    After updating the Burst Statistics plugin to version 1.3.3, referrers are not displayed. Other data is displayed.
    Please advise how to fix this problem. Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter hamil


    Hi @hesseldejong,
    I installed the Health Check plugin, disabled all plugins. Only Burst 1.3.4 is active. Template Twenty Twenty-Two. I left it like this for some time.
    11 visitors came, 64 pages viewed, referrers 0.
    I set up 90 days of stats. No referrers.
    Sometime later, maybe tomorrow, I’ll try installing an older version of Burst.

    Thread Starter hamil


    Hi @hesseldejong,
    I installed Burst version 1.2.3. I left this version on the site for about 30 hours. No referrers today, yesterday, for the last 90 days, for the whole period.

    Thread Starter hamil


    Hi @hesseldejong,

    the problem is the language version. If the site interface is in English referrers are displayed. When it is in Czech referrers are not displayed.

    Plugin Author Hessel de Jong


    Hi @hamil1 & @exidaco,

    Thank you hamil1 for being so patient with us and giving us so much information about the issue.

    @exidaco we have a solution for the problem. Hamil1 has confirmed that this issue is resolved in this branch on our GitHub. Please check it out and see if that also resolves your issue. If not please open a new ticket.

    Kind regards,

    Hi @hesseldejong – it works.

    Thank you.

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