• DPoncy


    Three stars for spamming my backend with requests that can’t be dismissed. I haven’t decided yet if this seo stuff is useful or not. Please allow me some peace.

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  • Plugin Support Reedwanul Haque


    Hi @dponcy ,

    Thanks for sharing your feedback. Sorry to hear that you had an unpleasant experience with the ElementsKit Plugin.

    We are not clear about the problem you are talking about. I guess you are facing issues with ElementsKit notices. You will be glad to know that there is an option in the ElementsKit plugin to disable these notices. I am sharing a video – https://d.pr/v/rfs0sh on how to disable ElementsKit Notices.

    We haven’t found any thread from you regarding this issue in this support forum. Please be informed that none of the Threads created by the users goes unnoticed. We always try to resolve the issues of the users by giving them higher priority. But, what disappoints us a bit is without contacting us, you’ve rated us!

    Since you’ve encountered an issue, we will be more than happy to check and help you to find a solution. Will you please create a support thread and include the issues you have faced in detail? Please try to include the link to the page where you’re having issues with the Images. I will check and let you know an update as soon as possible.

    I hope you will rethink the review after getting a resolution from us. We expect your cooperation in this matter and we are always ready to assist you.

    Best Regards,

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