• Artan


    The plugin has some nice features but there is a major flaw:

    Although we deactivated the standard TOC completly and only activated the sticky TOC and also only for posts, the functions seem still to run on our homepage. I deeply tested it. When sticky TOC is activated (only for posts), our hompage loading time piles up from 1s to 2,8s which is an insane increase. I tested multiple times. I also deactivated the plugin completely and the results are the same.

    The plugin adds then the class “ez-toc-section” to every header like h1, h2, etc. It seems it is duplicating the whole page before it is thrown out, that´s while page load almost triples. I asked the support, even send a video, but it seems the support has no technical knowledge, so you kind of walk in circles with them without a result.

    For me personally this invasive behavior is too much. Sticky TOC shouldn´t run on homepage or other pages when it´s deactivated. And I mean really shouldn´t run the functions, not only hiding elements via CSS if that´s the case.

    A better solution would be they would wrap their functions and run them only on desired posts, pages, etc. for example with:

    function my_custom_function_for_single_posts() {
    if (is_single()) {
    // Your function or code to run only on post pages
    add_action('wp_head', 'my_custom_function_for_single_posts');

    But I´m not completly sure were their problem really comes from. Perhaps they will fix it in future. For everyone until now I recommend test you page loading times, with and without activated plugin, to be sure that your site won´t be affected badly.


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  • Plugin Author Magazine3


    Hi Artan,

    Thank you for sharing your concern, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. We understand your disappointment, especially since you appreciate the plugin’s features but are facing issues due to a minor cause. We are fully aware of this and are working on a fix as soon as possible.

    We have raised a GitHub : https://github.com/ahmedkaludi/Easy-Table-of-Contents/issues/777 ticket regarding this issue, and it will be resolved soon. We hope you will enjoy using our plugin again and will not be disappointed this time.

    We are always open to discussing any issues, so please feel free to share your thoughts and concerns. Your feedback will help us improve our plugin’s functionality.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding 😇.

    • This reply was modified 2 days, 21 hours ago by Magazine3.
    Thread Starter Artan



    thanks for your reply. I hope you can fix this. This problem could perhaps be deep in you core functions and perhaps it takes a lot of effort for you. But we´ll wait and hope that fix will come.

    We also found out that the functions are also running on our brands page from BeRocket. There also page load gets bad while your plugin is running and also the class is added to all hour headers.

    Thanks for your understanding and your effort to improve your plugin. If this issues are resolved, we surely will update our review here!


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