• Resolved Glamourdaze


    Hi guys
    I have just migrated from All in One SEO to the latest Yoast version.
    The title template set in Yoast SEO → Search appearance settings doesn’t correspond with the snippet previews displayed by Yoast SEO on my previously published pages and posts. All I see is the post title, whereas the default includes separator and site title etc. The score is orange when it should be green. A new post however does diplay the site wide settings in the snippet preview. The SEO title of the snippet editor has all the default variables and site title and taglines are set in WP settings.
    Is there a workaround to this other than manually fixing every post and page?
    My WP is the latest version and PHP 7+ .
    The site uses ithemes builder with child theme. All in One SEO did not have this issue. In the meantime I’ve manually added separator and site titles to my top ranking pages.
    Here are the images.
    The original search appearance – https://pasteboard.co/HAw3F2x.png
    The snippet preview – https://pasteboard.co/HAw3aDi.png

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Md Mazedul Islam Khan


    It looks like you have manually defined the SEO title to All in One SEO plugin before. Since you have migrated all the data from All in One SEO to Yoast SEO, the SEO title also migrated.

    Please, make sure that when you manually wrote the SEO title, you included the title separator and site title on it.

    Yoast SEO only shows the global settings from search appearance when you haven’t manually overridden the SEO title from posts level.

    Thread Starter Glamourdaze


    Thanks for that Md
    I did indeed manually define my pages in All in One SEO. That may explain it.
    Below is a link I manually updated today. Could you possibly check for me that it looks good?
    I viewed the source on the page and it all seems to tally.

    Plugin Support devnihil


    @glamourdaze We checked on your page and see that the title tag is being output as
    <title>History of Womens Fashion - 1920 to 1929 | Glamour Daze</title>
    and that this does correspond correctly to the default template variables.

    Plugin Support Michael Tiña


    No further updates, setting to resolved.

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