• Resolved Diablo2


    If im not mistaken, this plugin only allows me to limit the time in minutes. Can something be done to allow less than one minute? I would like to create some “rapid-fire” questions that must be completed in 10 seconds each, for example.

    If this is not possible, it should really be added to future versions, as it greatly enhances the timing options as a whole (allowing users to enter the minutes AND the seconds).


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  • Hello @diablo2,

    I trust you’re doing well!

    Please allow us some time to discuss this further with our development team, and we will provide you with an update as soon as possible.

    We genuinely appreciate your patience and understanding.

    Warm regards,

    Thread Starter Diablo2



    UPDATE: I actually bought the Advanced Timer add-on and it DOES let me customize it in seconds (that option is found on each individual Question settings).

    It’s just not properly documented at the moment, plus the “Global” plugin options still only shows it in Minutes (no mention of Seconds).

    But yeah, the setting is indeed available through the add-on. So thats all set. Thanks!

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