• Resolved burlingtonpress


    I upgraded to the latest version of your plugin, and the timer now disappears upon completion rather than saying “0” days remaining. How can I change it back?

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  • Plugin Contributor Ketan Patel



    Actually, this is not the right way to display “0” in this plugin. this is one type of error. we have fixed this error in our latest version.

    You want to display a countdown timer “0” value so please download our old version and use your need.

    Please check to below screenshot.

    Please go to this link and below this link available the old version so please download our old version.


    Thread Starter burlingtonpress


    I’m a little confused. Your plugin all along used to countdown to 0, which makes complete sense. But now you changed the functionality, calling it a “fix”, and you want me to download an old version? This doesn’t seem like a best practice.

    Moderator James Huff


    Hi @burlingtonpress we received your report to the moderators:

    I don’t feel that this plugin author has acted in the best interests of the WordPress community.

    Plugin developers are welcome to do whatever they’d like within the guidelines https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-org/detailed-plugin-guidelines/ and this does not violate those guidelines.



    I also vote for displaying a zero value insead of disappearing.
    Reason: Prior to the Timer, i wrote the text “Registration ist open until:” TIMER DISPLAY

    Now this line shows without Zero and makes no sense.

    Maybe you concider to make this optional / configurable in a next update.


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