• Resolved frank-s



    I installed Jetpack 2.5 and tested Tiled galleries:

    In “gallery Settings” I set the “link to” parameter to None.
    BUT the generated tiled gallery images still have alink to the attachment page on them. HOW can I get rid of the link?

    My gallery shortcut is:
    [gallery type="square" link="none" columns="2" ids="10,11,7"]

    That should work by design but the actual HTML which is generated for the gallery has clearly the link in it.

    Bug? or do I miss here something?


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  • Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic 🚀

    Thanks for the report!

    That’s a bug indeed. We’re aware of the problem and will get this fixed in a future Jetpack update. You can follow our progress here:

    Thread Starter frank-s


    Thanks, Jeremy,
    for your feedback.


    We’re trying to use this tiled gallery but that ‘link to none’ bug is making it impossible — we went so far as logging in 301 redirects to link back to the post the gallery lives in, but found users were frustrated by the seemingly clickable files that just re-loaded the page. Is there a possibility the bug will be resolved soon? Another nice feature would be resizing the mosaic components the way we can in Tumblr (more deliberate, less random.)

    Anyway, its a great Jetpack feature and we’re eager to really start using it!


    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic 🚀

    We’ve just fixed this issue. The fix will be included in the next Jetpack release.

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