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  • Plugin Author Team Startbit


    The plugin is working fine and the thumbs up image is showing properly. This may be caused due to conflection of some css from your side. Hope this will help you solving you problem. Please let me know if any further query or suggestion for this plugin.
    Team Vivacity

    I had the same problem.

    When I leave the layout as standard, the drop down box displays correctly.

    Whenever I choose any other layout, the box is cut off exactly at the width of the like button.

    Plugin Author Team Startbit


    Hi muaysteve,

    Thanks for using our plugin.

    I have go through to your issue and please follow the below instructions for fixing this issue.

    1. Go to your Plugin root folder i.e “wp-fb-share-like-button”.
    2. There would be plugin file named as “wp_fb_share_like_widget.php”, please open it.
    3. Go to line No. 438.
    4. Please replace the given code
    5. Add the below css to stylesheet:

    .viva_fb span { min-width: 450px !important; overflow : visible !important; }

    5. Save and upload the file and refresh the page.

    I hope it will work fine.

    Please let us know if you need more help.

    Thanks & Regards
    Team Vivacity

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