• I’ve tried enough different project managers only to be disappointed time and time again, so I didn’t have much hope when I installed this one but Zephyr is the real deal!
    I never heard of it until about an hour ago, but I’m sold on it now!
    You can view tasks from different projects in one screen and they’re color differentiated to easily tell tasks from different projects apart. The calendar works great. The only time I clicked the “help” link was to see how to review the plugin!
    I also installed the Android app and it seamlessly connected to the plugin. I can’t get the calendar view on the phone but just about everything else is there and it’s all so intuitive!

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  • Plugin Author Dylan James


    Hi there,

    Thank you so much for your great feedback and kind words, I truly appreciate it.

    I have added the ability to view the calendar on the mobile app to the feature request list to add to the app as soon as possible.

    Thanks again for your time.

    Kindest regards,

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