• Resolved fabiensen



    I know that your plugin does not work when WP is installed in a directory, you said it will be supported in next releases.
    Could you please tell me, instead, if it is going to work right now with a third level domain, that is app.mydomain.com where WP is installed in its root?


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  • Howdy Fabio,

    If the WordPress is installed within the root / subfolder our plugin will work perfectly.

    But at this time our plugin won’t support only over a case, if the WordPress is installed upon a subfolder of domain ie; http://www.domain.com/folder and redirected to homepage to http://www.domain.com

    Please do try out our plugin, as our plugin does a clean uninstall and moreover none of the files will get written to the database until you save any settings upon our plugin.

    Looking forward to hearing from you

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