• Resolved pierrepineau5



    First, I’m a french user of WP, sorry for any mistakes !

    I have only one question about this beautiful theme : to my mind, the font of the text is thinner than before ! It’s not an impression however the theme is not updated !

    I think it’s not very readable now as you can see on my blog for example…

    Thank you so much for your help and for this wonderful theme ! 😉

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  • Theme Author Ben Sibley


    Thanks for using Tracks!

    I visited your site, and it looks the same to me. Have you changed browsers? The font may be rendering a bit differently in another browser.

    You can also try adding the following CSS:

    body {
      -webkit-font-smoothing: auto !important;

    You can copy and paste that code into the “Custom CSS” section in the Customizer (Appearance > Customize). Once added there, it should take affect right away.

    That will make the font a bit thicker in some browsers.

    Thread Starter pierrepineau5


    Thank you for your quick answer !

    I haven’t changed my browser, I use Safari on Mac but I have the same problem on Chrome and Firefox ! I haven’t checked on my PC…

    And even if I paste your CSS, the font seems to be always thin… :/ The font is thin on the Tracks theme demo too ! Maybe it’s my computer, I don’t know why…

    Thank you again !

    Thread Starter pierrepineau5


    It’s a problem with my computer because the font is normal on others PCs… i’m going to find a solution

    Theme Author Ben Sibley


    Okay sorry I couldn’t help with this. If anything else comes up just let me know.

    Thread Starter pierrepineau5


    This is OK ! I have installed a font which was present on the theme but only the thin version ! I have deleted it and it’s okey, perfect !


    Thank you for your help and your beautiful theme (again !)

    Theme Author Ben Sibley


    Awesome glad to hear it’s fixed now 🙂

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