• Resolved alpipego


    You reference version 1.5.3 in the readme. That is the one that’s supposed to fix a fatal error with accessing the private Clickwhale_Bot::$is_bot variable (Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access private property Clickwhale_Bot::$is_bot). There is no 1.5.3 tag in the repository, however, and therefore it doesn’t get propagated to wpackagist either: https://wpackagist.org/search?q=clickwhale&type=any&search=

    Any user who installs this way, will still get the version with the potential fatal error. The workaround is to install the trunk version. In composer this is composer require wpackagist-plugin/clickwhale:dev-trunk.

    Perhaps something is wrong with the tags in SVN or the readme, it references a non-existent tag.

    • This topic was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by alpipego.
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