• Resolved ches376


    I use the evolve plus theme version 2.9.9 which I see online an updated version yet the program has no prompt and in the pro area there is no login.. Only here I can post or ask a question..

    My web hosting company sent a file showing the theme has 100’s of errors that need to be constantly cleared out. So I am looking for help. And isn’t the Plus version a paid one? Then where do I login as I dont see it on the themepress site. Thanks for any help!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Theme Author Evgeny Viner


    Hi. WordPress.org rules do not allow support of premium themes on this forum. You asked us through the website, and I answered you almost immediately. If you have any questions, you can continue the correspondence by email. Thank you for understanding.

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