• The Tventy Fifteen Theme do not work whit the gtranslate plugin. I got problems on my site. I got in contact whit Gtranslate custemore service and they asked if i could give the message to the theme support as i did here. Hope it get fixed..



    Hope this message finds you well.

    1) Unfortunately, GTranslate Language Selector will not function on AMP pages, since it requires a lot of JavaScript libraries to function, and they are disabled in AMP mode. Thus, the GTranslate Language Selector cannot function on AMP pages.

    If the AMP plugin offers functionality to disable scripts, you can add the problematic script in there.

    2) I have seen layout issues on translated version:

    The issue is fixed now:

    I can see texts are not translated.

    Texts are written inside HTML tags, our system can not translate content written inside tags.

    The tag is used to insert variables, fragments of program code, etc. into an HTML document.

    Can you please ask your theme developers to put them in other tags?

    It can be a div, p, span, etc.


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