• Resolved stefanomarzi


    Hi, my website shows a problem on the woocommerce mini cart.

    The mini cart is inserted via the woocommerce cart menu widget in the site header.

    If the Litespeed Cache plugin is activated, the mini cart always appears empty and even if you add products to the cart it does not update.

    While if I deactivate the plugin, everything works correctly.

    I leave you the link to my site to verify the error: https://theanimalshop.it/

    To replicate the problem, just go to a product page (for example this one: https://theanimalshop.it/trasportino-per-gatti-pratiko/) and add the product to the cart. At this point, if you click the mini cart icon, it will be empty.

    The problem occurs both with a logged in user and as a guest.

    There’s a way to exclud caching from cart?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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