• Resolved maythiya


    Hi, I’m using Elementor popup to have some diversity on the design when clicked on that burget icon on mobile.

    I’ve tried using all possible way to make the widget work, but somehow it doesn’t work when being clicked.

    can you help? please

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author edo888



    I have checked your website, but I only see one language selector and nothing is in your burger menu.

    I see you are using just 2 languages, so the best will be to use [gt-link …] or [gtranslate] shortcode, you can read more about them in Positioning tips section in GTranslate plugin settings page. The flags with language code or flags with language name will be best for your case.

    Thanks! 🙂

    Thread Starter maythiya


    that’s what the issue is, it doens’t work when you open the mobile menu by clicking on that burger icon.

    not sure why!
    I’ve tried the other ways you suggested above – unfortunately, not working.

    Plugin Author edo888



    In order for me to check the issue for you, I need to be able to replicate it on my end. So make sure to follow my suggestions and if it still does not work, let me know to check. But you need to make sure I can replicate the issue.

    Thanks! 🙂

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