• When I put a video (YouTube or Vimeo) in the Text with Popup trigger block, and the visitor closes the Popup block without pausing or stopping the video, the Popup block closes, but the audio from the video is still heard.

    That’s not good. When the visitor closes the Popup block, the video should automatically stop and no sound from the video will be heard.

    Can you provide that option? When the Popup is closed to automatically stop the video in that Popup.

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Dejan Buric.
Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Plugin Author wpsoul


    popup block and video block are different blocks without connections. Videoblock already has lighbox option so you don’t need to use another popup block to enable it

    Plugin Author wpsoul


    and all blocks have Interaction layer feature. One of available action is Video, you can make complex logic for interactions between different blocks and video

    Thread Starter Dejan Buric


    Thank you very much for your answer.

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