• Resolved Daniel


    When sorting by votes, rating, or any other numerical column in the WordPress back office, it doesn’t sort correctly or function properly.

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  • Plugin Author Collins Agbonghama


    Please open a ticket via https://feedbackwp.com/support/ with a video or screenshot explanation of the issue.

    Thread Starter Daniel


    It happens in the free version. If you go to Statistics the sorting columns do not work.

    Plugin Author Collins Agbonghama


    Does it happen too in Analytics?

    Thread Starter Daniel


    In analytics it works except for the rating column.

    Plugin Author Collins Agbonghama


    We can’t have the current sorting features because of how the stat data are saved (post meta). They will be removed in the next update.

    The sorting by rating in Analytics will also be fixed in the next update.

    Thread Starter Daniel


    I prefer that you leave it and that it does not order well, it is a very valuable piece of information. Maybe sort with the datatablejs library?

    Plugin Author Collins Agbonghama


    That data will be there, but the sorting will be gone until we find a way around it.

    We aren’t going to datatablejs, unfortunately.

    Thread Starter Daniel


    Thanks for your answer, it’s ok, if it helps you, you could make a new meta field called “average” and there put the result of the operation, there would be 2 advantages:

    1. a faster and simpler query
    2. possible sorting.

    Best regards!

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