• Resolved effetiweb


    When I log in from the frontend of the site using the form that appears by clicking on the person icon at the top right it gives me the error “Wrong username or password.” while if I log in from /wp-admin I can log in without problems. I deactivated the wordfence plugin and the problem was no longer there, so it depends on some plugin settings. Can you help me? Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @effetiweb,

    WordPress only shows a person icon in the top-right black bar when you’re already signed in, so this sounds like a custom modal form accessed as part of your theme’s site design. Wordfence’s 2FA and reCAPTCHA are only supported with WordPress and WooCommerce’s default login forms so if you have either of these enabled in Wordfence > Login Security, it may be the reason for the non-default form failing in this way.

    Let us know if you don’t have any Login Security features enabled within Wordfence.


    Thread Starter effetiweb


    thanks, as soon as I deactivated the reCAPTCHA  the form works and I logged in. Yes, it is a popup form of the Porto | theme Multipurpose & WooCommerce. Do you think that by contacting the theme developer I can resolve this incompatibility and reactivate the recaptcha? My site was just attacked by malware so I wanted to make it as safe as possible..

    Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @effetiweb,

    I can’t guarantee a theme developer will definitely go ahead if you did request the work. That’s nothing against them, the development may just not be something they are planning or have time for in their schedule. However, as these forums are public I’m more than happy to give you the information to send to them as it may benefit other developers searching here too in the future.

    They can make their custom login form compatible by making some of the element classes/names the same as WordPress’ login page, and making sure that login-related scripts/styles that are registered with WordPress are loaded on their custom page. Making the form similar to WordPress’ own login form may improve compatibility with some other login-related plugins as well.

    The loginLocator and registrationLocator variables in modules/login-security/js/login.[timestamp].js hold the specific classes/IDs of elements Wordfence looks for with reCAPTCHA and 2FA for usernames, passwords, and registration email addresses. We currently find the first button in the same form as those elements, but naming it the same as WordPress’ form should be effective too.

    Thanks again,

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