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  • Plugin Author Keith P. Graham


    I just checked and it looks like it has stopped working with Firefox. It works with IE.

    I will see if there is anything that I can do. If you absolutely need this, use IE when using the widget (I know – not really acceptable).


    Thread Starter hausinteractive


    Hey kpgraham,

    I don’t absolutely need, just providing some feedback.

    When reviewing you might consider hooking into the rich text editor that WordPress proper uses. That might reduce the weight a bit as well as have these widgets look like the page/post editor which would be nice.

    Also: Don’t forget that there are also a lot of Chrome and Safari users out there!


    Plugin Author Keith P. Graham


    WordPress rich text editor famously doesn’t work inside widgets. I tried for days trying to make it work and never could. I had an old Rich text project that I worked on many years ago and was able to shoehorn it into a widget.

    The original version worked in Chrome and Safari. I think that there may have been a change in either WordPress or Firefox that broke the plugin.


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