• Resolved Marco Panichi


    As the title, when I send a test email, it arrives perfectly on the email account.

    But when I sent a message through a CF7 form on my website, the message goes to the spam folder.

    What can I do?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Darshana


    Hi @marcopanichi

    First of all, please make sure that you have configured a mailer on your site other than the Default PHP mailer. If you’re using the Default PHP mailer, that means you have not configured your WP Mail SMTP plugin.

    In that case, you can configure a mailer by following our documentation here.

    If you have configured a mailer, then you can copy your email headers to this online tool to see possible email delivery issues.

    You may contact your hosting provider to adjust any recommendations provided by that tool.

    I hope this helps!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Darshana.
    Thread Starter Marco Panichi


    What free mailer do you suggest me to use?

    Plugin Support Darshana


    Hi @marcopanichi

    You can configure your hosting provider’s email platform using Other SMTP mailer option.

    Or else, you can configure Gmail mailer option as well.

    I hope this helps.

    Thread Starter Marco Panichi


    I configured my hosting provider’s email platform, using the data they gave to me. But unfortunally the problem persists :/

    Plugin Support Darshana


    Hi @marcopanichi

    I apologize for the trouble!

    When you send a test email from WP Mail SMTP > Email Test area, you should be able to see the full error log. Here’s a screenshot for the option to get a full error log. This will provide you an idea of what might be going on.

    Once you have the full error log, please get in touch with your hosting provider and they should be able to look into it for you.

    I hope this helps.

    Plugin Support Darshana


    Hi Marco,

    We haven’t heard from you in about a week, so I’m going to go ahead and mark this ticket resolved. If you still have questions, though, please feel welcome to continue the conversation.


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