• Resolved jazzu



    Small problem – if I click terms and conditions next to the “I read and agree to terms and conditions” checkbox in checkout, the window shows the code used by Elementor, and after that, it displays the terms and conditions normally. I tried to remove it with CSS, by tagging div.woocommerce-terms-and-conditions p {display: none;}, and it works to some extent, but it also hides some stuff that it shouldn’t.

    How can I fix that? This is what is displayed before the actual terms and conditions:

    /*! elementor – v3.5.5 – 03-02-2022 */
    .elementor-widget-divider{–divider-border-style:none;–divider-border-width:1px;–divider-color:#2c2c2c;–divider-icon-size:20px;–divider-element-spacing:10px;–divider-pattern-height:24px;–divider-pattern-size:20px;–divider-pattern-url:none;–divider-pattern-repeat:repeat-x}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider{display:-webkit-box;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider__text{font-size:15px;line-height:1;max-width:95%}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider__element{margin:0 var(–divider-element-spacing);-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-icon{font-size:var(–divider-icon-size)}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider-separator{display:-webkit-box;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin:0;direction:ltr}.elementor-widget-divider–view-line_icon .elementor-divider-separator,.elementor-widget-divider–view-line_text .elementor-divider-separator{-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center}.elementor-widget-divider–view-line_icon .elementor-divider-separator:after,.elementor-widget-divider–view-line_icon .elementor-divider-separator:before,.elementor-widget-divider–view-line_text .elementor-divider-separator:after,.elementor-widget-divider–view-line_text .elementor-divider-separator:before{display:block;content:””;border-bottom:0;-webkit-box-flex:1;-ms-flex-positive:1;flex-grow:1;border-top:var(–divider-border-width) var(–divider-border-style) var(–divider-color)}.elementor-widget-divider–element-align-left .elementor-divider .elementor-divider-separator>.elementor-divider__svg:first-of-type{-webkit-box-flex:0;-ms-flex-positive:0;flex-grow:0;-ms-flex-negative:100;flex-shrink:100}.elementor-widget-divider–element-align-left .elementor-divider-separator:before{content:none}.elementor-widget-divider–element-align-left .elementor-divider__element{margin-left:0}.elementor-widget-divider–element-align-right .elementor-divider .elementor-divider-separator>.elementor-divider__svg:last-of-type{-webkit-box-flex:0;-ms-flex-positive:0;flex-grow:0;-ms-flex-negative:100;flex-shrink:100}.elementor-widget-divider–element-align-right .elementor-divider-separator:after{content:none}.elementor-widget-divider–element-align-right .elementor-divider__element{margin-right:0}.elementor-widget-divider:not(.elementor-widget-divider–view-line_text):not(.elementor-widget-divider–view-line_icon) .elementor-divider-separator{border-top:var(–divider-border-width) var(–divider-border-style) var(–divider-color)}.elementor-widget-divider–separator-type-pattern{–divider-border-style:none}.elementor-widget-divider–separator-type-pattern.elementor-widget-divider–view-line .elementor-divider-separator,.elementor-widget-divider–separator-type-pattern:not(.elementor-widget-divider–view-line) .elementor-divider-separator:after,.elementor-widget-divider–separator-type-pattern:not(.elementor-widget-divider–view-line) .elementor-divider-separator:before,.elementor-widget-divider–separator-type-pattern:not([class*=elementor-widget-divider–view]) .elementor-divider-separator{width:100%;min-height:var(–divider-pattern-height);-webkit-mask-size:var(–divider-pattern-size) 100%;mask-size:var(–divider-pattern-size) 100%;-webkit-mask-repeat:var(–divider-pattern-repeat);mask-repeat:var(–divider-pattern-repeat);background-color:var(–divider-color);-webkit-mask-image:var(–divider-pattern-url);mask-image:var(–divider-pattern-url)}.elementor-widget-divider–no-spacing{–divider-pattern-size:auto}.elementor-widget-divider–bg-round{–divider-pattern-repeat:round}.rtl .elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider__text{direction:rtl}
    Splošni in plačilni pogoji

    Kind regards

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi,

    I would like to have you perform a few steps to fix this issue,-

    Go to Elementor > Settings on your WordPress dashboard.
    Click the Advanced tab and then switch the CSS print method to Internal embedding.

    Clear all cache: your browser’s cache, other plugins’ cache, server cache (if possible).

    If the issue persists, deactivate all plugins apart from Elementor.
    If this helps, reactivate them one by one to find the culprit.
    In case this didn’t help, switch your theme (temporarily) and see if it makes any difference.

    Thread Starter jazzu



    First thing – I noticed in advanced that CSS print method was already set tto internal embedding.

    I tried going in troubleshooting mode. Disabled everything except Elementor. Same problem.

    Switched themes – same problem..

    Kind regards


    you may try to switch the CSS loader method.
    you’ve mentioned it was already switched to the internal embedding, however please try the external file.

    Thread Starter jazzu



    I tried, I switched it to External File. No changes, it’s still showing that code in the checkout.

    Kind regards

    It seems that the CarFlows plugin is loading the term and conditions from a page styled by Elementor. In this case, I will recommend him to reach out to CartFlows to support what to do about this


    Any news from the CarFlows plug-in?

    Thread Starter jazzu


    Hi @ozyeger !

    Sorry, I didn’t manage to ask yet. I’ll do it right now and write what the answer was when I get it

    Kind regards

    @jazzu Do you have any updates?

    Thread Starter jazzu


    They didn’t reply yet. Still waiting. I’ll post as soon as I get it.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter jazzu



    I finally got a reply. Here it is:

    `Hello @jazzu ,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us!

    Placing the terms and conditions on the checkout page is managed by the theme, not by the CartFlows.

    To confirm this, you can switch the theme 2022 for a temporary purposes and you will see that the terms and condition collapsable box will not be displayed on the checkout page.

    The same should happen on the default WooCommerce’s Checkout page too.

    Regarding displaying the CSS code, is because, if you look at your privacy policy page, then you will see that there is an inline CSS added from the elementor.

    Here is the screenshot for the same: https://share.getcloudapp.com/Z4u1X7NQ

    The theme pulls the same content on the checkout page and displays on the collapsable box. So, I am thinking that while printing it the theme is making some changes due to which the CSS wrapper that is <style></style> tags are getting removed and the CSS is getting printed on the checkout page in the collapsable box.

    So, in this case, I would suggest you to get in touch with the theme author and if you need any more assistance in-between this, feel free to get in touch with us. We will be happy to help.

    I hope this clarifies you.

    Please let me know how it goes.`


    I can see you are using the StoreFront theme, please try switching to the Hello theme.

    If that does not help, have you edited the “Terms and conditions” page in Elementor? if so, try and re-create it only in classic (or block) editor instead

    Thread Starter jazzu


    Hi @michellei !

    I tried directly going into classic WordPress editor. The problem in the checkout was fixed, however, the whole page got messed up (no spaces between different rows, etc.)

    Thread Starter jazzu



    I made the page again from scratch in the default WordPress editor. It looks even better than it did before, so consider this thread resolved.

    Kind regards

    Hi @jazzu ,

    I am glad this has been sorted out!

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