• Resolved Anirban Roy



    I am recently facing this weird problem where no matter what state the customer chooses in the shipping address option, the tax of this one single state: West Bengal is being applied to all the states.

    I have tried removing the west Bengal taxes completely, but then, no tax is being calculated for any state.

    I have also tried removing all taxes, creating a tax for a single state called Sikkim, and even then, when i choose Sikkim in the shipping address, no tax is being shown.

    Thus, the main problem I am facing, is that no matter what state is chosen as the shipping address, WooCommerce is calculating the tax for West Bengal.

    Please note that tax calculation with respect to shipping address is turned on under the WooCommerce settings.

    Also note,

    In between, I had removed the WooCommerce Services and the jetpack plugin but now I have re-installed them (but i never got the option to enable WooCommerce Services form the inside of jetpack, just like it happened when i set up WooCommerce for the first time).

    I would be very grateful if someone can help me with this problem. I am panicking.

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  • Plugin Support RK a11n


    Hi there,

    In order to troubleshoot this further, please do the following:

    • Share a screenshot of your tax settings and standard rates
    • Share a copy of your status report as found under **WooCommerce > Status**
    • Share a direct link to a product you’re using for testing purposes (which is set to be taxable)
    • Share a destination billing/shipping address that we can use to test with from our side


    Thread Starter Anirban Roy


    Hi @riaanknoetze ,
    Thanks for your reply. The issue has been solved. Apparently, it was because of some issue with the WooCommerce services plugin.

    To solve the issue, I added the line: define( ‘WC_REMOVE_ALL_DATA’, true); to the wp-config.php file and then deleted the WooCommerce plugin, WooCommerce services and JetPack.

    Then I reinstalled them again and then imported the taxes. Now it’s all working smoothly.

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