• Resolved therber2


    Hi Tobias and friends,

    I have a number of customers asking me if it is possible to send them some sort of ‘notification’ from me when I do my daily update of tables they access for sports.

    I thought, automated updates (daily basis) that a table is ‘now updated’ via Twitter would be smart.

    Is this possible?


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by therber2.
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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your question, and sorry for the trouble.

    Something like this should be possible by using the tablepress_event_saved_table action hook. This gets fired whenever a table is saved.
    Please see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/tablepress-data-into-mail-with-text-alignments/ for some example code that triggers an email when a table is edited.
    You could take that and adjust it so that it e.g. sends a tweet by using the Twitter API.


    Thread Starter therber2


    Great thank you Tobias. Let me dig through this stuff!

    Now, does this code go into the ‘TablePress’ ‘Plugin Options’ or does it go in WP’s ‘Appearance’ > ‘Editor’ ?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by therber2.
    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    it should go into the theme’s “functions.php” file (through “Appearance” -> “Editor”), or into a small new custom WordPress plugin.


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