• Resolved Nige


    Hi Guys,

    Since upgrading to woo 3.5.2 and running the DB upgrade printful will no longer sync or upload products.

    On trying to push a new product it fails after sometime with a syntax error. The product does appear in the products list but with only a small number of attributes added.

    I have rolled back on a test server and the plugin is working fine with the previous version.

    Any tips would be great.


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  • Hey there,

    Thank you for reaching out to us!
    Our plugin is made to work with the latest WooCommerce update, so this is definitely not expected.
    If you reach out to us with the error message and your WooCommerce error logs, by sending us an email to support@printful.com, we could check in with this issue in more detail and help solve it! 🙂

    i am having the same issue on a site. Can’t sync products and the only error is “Syntax error” which provides nothing to help us debug this.

    Hey there,

    We suggest reaching out to our support team with the error message you received and your WooCommerce error logs, by sending us an email to support@printful.com, so we could check in with this issue in more detail and help with solving it! 🙂

    Same problem here with 3.5.3

    Yep same problem. Have tried 5 times now. Fresh install, double check all the things, watched all the videos, reached out to support@printful, reached out to my web host. Still not working.

    If anyone ever gets a fix for this please post.

    Thread Starter Nige


    Hi Guys,

    Mine seemed to be an issue with cloudflare and jetpack. When I disabled jetpack it all of a sudden started to work again. Cloudfalre did not like some of the requests. I guess there may have been a plugin conflict. I have since turned jectpack back on again on the latest version and I am back up and running with the integration.

    Thank you all for reaching out with this issue!
    Sometimes other plugins can disrupt or block the connection between Printful and WooCommerce, so a good thing to try is disabling all other plugins when connecting to, or pushing products to, your WooCommerce store.

    Be sure to reach out to us at support@printful.com, if you’re still encountering this error, so we could check in with it in more detail!

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