• Resolved djkimmel


    Using HurryTimer on the home page for a countdown to next year’s eclipse, after upgrading several plugins today the website is crashing with HurryTimer with the following error:

    [07-Sep-2023 20:58:06 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class Symfony\Component\Translation\Translator cannot implement previously implemented interface Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface in /home/townofpl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/hurrytimer/vendor/symfony/translation/Translator.php on line 32

    One of the plugins upgraded is Shield (WP Simple Firewall). It seems there may be a conflict though both have been working together for months before this. Using latest version of WordPress 6.3.1 on PHP 7.4.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • xita5200


    Same here. I’m getting a similar error. This is the explanation from shiel security: “

    You’re getting this error because there’s a plugin on your site using an older version of the PHP carbon library.

    We discussed this error here:

    The Carbon library that we’re using in Shield is fairly widely used and is likely used within another plugins. The version of the other plugin on your site is likely version 1.0 (deprecated and fairly old) and it’s conflicting with the version of Carbon within Shield (v2).

    We’ve switched to PHP 7.2 minimum and also with a view to support PHP 8.2+… this required us to upgrade several of our PHP libraries, one of which was Carbon (the other was Monolog).

    After numerous releases, we’ve made a significant change in how we load the Monolog library to prevent fatal errors, but this does mean that any sites with conflicting Monlog libraries will not be able to use Shield’s Activity Log or Traffic Log features. It was this, or allow sites to go offline with fatal errors.

    This same change we made with Monolog can’t be applied to Carbon as it’s too deeply integrated into Shield. This means that if you have a site throwing errors relating to Carbon, then you can either:

    1) Find and disable/replace the plugin with the conflicting Carbon library.

    2) Disable Shield until an alternative plugin can be found to replace the conflict. Contact the dev of the plugin and ask them if they’d consider moving to Carbon v2.

    3) Revert Shield to the 16.1.15 version
    But again, you’ll need to push the conflicting plugin devs to update their PHP carbon library. Once they do that, you can upgrade Shield to the latest version normally.”

    I really hope that hurry timer will update this plugin, i REALLY want to buy it but i’m afraid that this error continue

    Plugin Author Nabil Lemsieh



    Just to let you know that the error has been fixed in the new update.

    Thank you for the report!

    Plugin Author Nabil Lemsieh



    I’m closing this for now, if you still need help, feel free to start a new thread.

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