• Resolved biggatings


    So I found your plugin and I believe it will do what I want, but I think I may be doing something wrong. Here is what I want to do and maybe someone assist!

    I am running a 12 days of Christmas promotion, so what I want to do is have a calendar for the 12 days (individual images) all with question marks. On day 1, I want the image with the ? to be swapped with an image with that day’s deal. When day 1 is done, I want to swap the deal image with an expired deal image and then open up day 2 (which would be the same sequence as day 1).

    Here is what I have:

    [time-restrict off=”2016-12-10″][/time-restrict]
    [time-restrict off=”2016-12-14″][/time-restrict]
    [time-restrict on=”2016-12-15″][/time-restrict]

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  • Plugin Author Dave Clements


    Try something like this. This would be for a deal to appear on Dec 14th.

    [time-restrict off="2016-12-13"]QUESTION MARK IMAGE[/time-restrict]
    [time-restrict on="2016-12-14" off="2016-12-14"]DEAL IMAGE[/time-restrict]
    [time-restrict on="2016-12-15"]EXPIRED IMAGE[/time-restrict]
    Thread Starter biggatings


    Much appreciated for the assistance. I am going to test it out and let you know if it works!

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter biggatings


    So the Question mark image… the date for that would be all the same? because I want all of the question mark images (12 in total) to show all at the same time.

    Plugin Author Dave Clements


    No, because you want them to stop showing as soon as the deal goes live. Just copy that block of code and progress the dates one day for each of the 12 deals.

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