• Resolved shaunbowen


    One of the recent updates has changed the rating stars to an SVG, which would look good but there is a small black border applied to them, leading to an ugly appearance.

    Line 116 of the plugin CSS shows:

    .strong-rating-wrapper .star svg path {
        fill: #FFB900;
        stroke: #000;
        stroke-width: 6;

    This stroke should be removed by default in my opinion.
    Please see the site I have linked to – the reviews are at the bottom.
    I am viewing it in Chrome.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thank you for your feedback! 🌸
    To remove the stroke, please use the code below:

    .strong-rating-wrapper .star svg path {
    	stroke: none;


    Thread Starter shaunbowen


    Hi Mihaela,

    Thanks, I have already added the CSS to a few sites – will you be rolling out a change in the next update? I have loads of sites using the plugin and it would take ages to update them all.


    Plugin Support beatrice12


    Hi @shaunbowen,

    I opened a ticket with our development team regarding this. This is the new design but our devs will try and find a solution. Here you can see the ticket: https://github.com/WPChill/strong-testimonials/issues/337


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