• I’ve been transferred to 7 different people now over the course of a couple weeks and still don’t have a solution. I tried chat then created a ticket when the chat person said they couldn’t figure it out. My issue is supposed to be core functionality (display the dropdown in the nav). I’ll wait 2 days and contact support again asking how it’s going and they just say they’ll let me know when they find something. I honestly don’t think anyone is actually looking at it at this point.

    Also, there’s a lot of support reviews, which means to me either some of them are fake, or documentation is lacking so much everyone needs to contact support just to use a basic plugin.

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  • Plugin Author edo888



    I’m sorry to hear that you have had a bad experience with out support team. Can you please specify your domain name or your email, so I can identify you and check what is going on? Also, can you mention if you have a paid subscription or you are using the free version.

    Thanks! 🙂

    Thread Starter maspegren


    The domain is http://lexingtonpublicschools.flywheelsites.com/. We are just using the free plugin as of now.

    (Please don’t post this URL in my comment, it isn’t ready to go live yet)

    Plugin Author edo888



    I have checked your conversations with our team and it seems that we are unable to get into your admin area every time it is your turn in the support queue and developer tries to login.

    I’m going to write another request to provide us access and make sure it doesn’t expire.

    Thanks! 🙂

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