• Resolved philipt18


    I’m having trouble loading large tables, where I can import them, but the edit page is timing out before I can change the settings. Can I suggest that, at least for large tables, the cells of the table are not immediately loaded on the edit page. This would allow quick loading, and allow settings like table name, datatables settings, etc. to be edited without having to wait for the whole table to load. Alternatively, offer a separate Quick Edit page like WP has for posts, that allows you to change the settings that don’t require seeing the whole list.

    Secondarily, you could allow parts of the table to be loaded when dealing with large tables, to not time out. Since you’re not doing things like sorting and searching, maybe you could do a lot of editing without having to see all the rows in a table.

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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your post, and sorry for the trouble.

    I’m actually already working on a completely rewritten “Edit” screen, which will bring great performance improvements for large tables 🙂 It uses more JavaScript code so that tables really can be much larger without slowing everything down. I’m planning to release this as part of TablePress 2.0 which will be released in the second quarter.

    In the meantime, I recommend to edit large tables offline, e.g. in Excel, and re-import it into TablePress from a CSV file (choosing to replace the existing version). A workaround for the settings: Exporting a table to a CSV file, then importing a small temporary other CSV file, will allow you change settings, before then re-importing the original CSV file.


    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    and here it is, the first beta of TablePress 2.0 is ready for testing, if you are still experiencing this performance issue: https://tablepress.org/8-million-downloads-tablepress-2-0/

    Best wishes,

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