• Resolved matthew016



    I have a staff website that I run and I use Jetpack subscriptions to subscribe staff so when new posts are made they receive and email. I have noticed that today 2 posts were made and no emails have been sent to subscribers. My connection with Jetpack is live and I am not seeing any issues. Is there service issues currently?

    Any help is appreciated!


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  • Plugin Contributor James Huff


    We are not currently having any issues with the subscriptions system, but please contact us via https://jetpack.com/contact-support/?rel=support so we can take a closer look.

    Thread Starter matthew016


    Hi James,

    I updated my version of PHP on the server and ran a test and all seems good now. The other possibility is a staff member edited an existing post instead of making a new post, which would not trigger an email.

    Thanks for your reply!



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