• Resolved Agramonis


    Hi, I did some test with my person email adresses, subscribed the newsletter, etc. To test again, I deleted the contacts from the audience permanently, but now I can’t subscribe with this emails anymore.
    I get this error in the log file:

    [2023-12-21 19:00:49] ERROR: Form 359 > Mailchimp API error: 400 Bad Request. Forgotten Email Not Subscribed. itwe**********@gm***.com was permanently deleted and cannot be re-imported. The contact must re-subscribe to get back on the list.


    POST https://us17.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/d9c71ab19e/members



    400 Bad Request

    {“title”:”Forgotten Email Not Subscribed”,”status”:400,”detail”:”itwe**********@gm***.com was permanently deleted and cannot be re-imported. The contact must re-subscribe to get back on the list.”,”instance”:”463c4550-804f-dbf6-3709-fed857287da5″}


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Lap


    It’s a Mailchimp policy to not allow an unsubscribed email to re-subscribe via the API that our plugin uses. This is to prevent people from being re-subscribed over and over by automated processes and there is no way for us to overwrite this.

    For testing purposes, you can “change” the email by adding +something after the name when you use Gmail.

    eg itwe…+test1@gmail.com itwe…+test2@gmail.com itwe…+test3@gmail.com

    Another trick is to add a dot anywhere in the name part, as Mailchimp will see that as a new email while gmail ignores any dots.

    eg its.we@gma..l.com itsw.e@gma..l.com i.ts.we@gma..l.com etc

    Hope that helps. If you have any questions, please let me know!

    Thread Starter Agramonis


    I immagined something like that. But if I add a + or something I can’t receive the mail anymore, I guess, and can’t test the newsletter properly.


    Plugin Contributor Lap


    If you add the plus or the dot(s) as in the examples you will still receive the email.

    Thread Starter Agramonis


    Perfect, thank you

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