• Resolved danie1234



    When clicking on a link in de nav menu in the header, a dotted strike through line appears. I don’t see anyway to turn this off. Can you have a look?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @danie1234,

    Please go to the Customizer > Global > Accessibility and disable the Site Accessibility.

    Let us know if this works well for you. If it does, please mark the topic as Resolved.

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

    Thread Starter danie1234


    Hi Herman.

    Thank you for your reply. I figured out that the reason there was just one line, was because the line height of the menu item was set to “0”.

    However with changing the line height, there is still a dotted line around the whole link (when clicked). Even when the accessibility is turned “off”. Do you have any other solutions?

    Thread Starter danie1234



    I am still not sure where the dotted lines are coming from (maybe another plugin) but I managed to solve it with a bit of CSS. I will close this.

    Hi @danie1234,

    Yes, it could be another plugin. Maybe Elementor?

    Anyway, it’s good to know that you are able to do some CSS to achieve your goal.

    Feel free to start a new thread if you have anything related to Astra, we can help you with.


    Will you be willing to share your CSS code on this please? I have the same problem and I have no clue about coding.

    Hello @biancaparker,

    Could you please share the URL of your site? I’m here to help and can take a closer look to find a suitable solution for you.

    Additionally, here’s some CSS that should resolve the issue. You can simply paste it into the Customizer > Additional CSS:

    .main-header-menu a:focus{
    outline: none;

    If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

    Kind regards,

    Hi @avi1020p,

    Thank you very much, the code has helped. My site hasn’t been published yet. I suspect I will need more assistance before we launch it. I will be in touch soon again. Much appreciated.

    Hello @biancaparker,  

    Thank you for the update. Glad to hear that works for you.  

    Have a great day ahead.

    Best Regards,


    the css code did not solve my problem with strikethrough texts of menu items after click.

    any other advise please?

    Thank you.

    Hi @honasvocas,

    As per the forum guidelines, please start your own topic. You are welcome to cross-link it to this thread, so we are aware of both.

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

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