• Hi, stretch section of elementor does not work with oceanwp in the whole site. I tried deadctivating all plugins and did not work, and if I change to another theme (twenty one) it works. It was working previously but now it does not… I have read other cases related with the issue but couldnot find a solution working. Thanks

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello,

    Sorry but not getting which stretch section.

    Kindly share a snapshot of the section and steps to check the issue.

    Thread Starter oleolivum


    Hi, sorry because as it did not work I modified the page removing the “stretch” feature in the pages concerned. However I have created an ad hoc page https://staging3.lagrama.bio/test-oceanwp-stretch-section/ where you can see that the first slides have activated stretch but they do not arrive to the border of the page (it remains boxed) and the arrows are missing. The second slides does not have the stretch feature active and the arrow are visible (normal behavior).
    Indeed I am looking for the effect of covering the whole surface of the page, as it happens in my initial website http://www.lagrama.bio where the stretch feature worked correctly.
    In this staging website the feature does not work and I do not why. I have already tested deactivating all the plugins and does not work neither. But if I switch to twenty theme the feature works, so I think it has something to do with the oceanwp configuration. Thanks

    Thank you so much for sharing all the details.

    I would request you to please open a ticket at the helpdesk with the complete details of the staging site. It needs to take a closer look into the issue.

    Thread Starter oleolivum


    Yes but I have no a premium account in oceanwp, so I do not think I can open a ticket… No problem, I can live with the solution applied, i.e. not using the stretch feature and leaving a space on the sides, thanks anyway

    Glad to know that you found a workaround for now.
    If you want you can open a ticket in the purchase section without having a premium account.

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