• Resolved commadelimited


    I’m a paying customer of WPSSO. My versions are:
    * WPSSO Core Premium – 15.17.0
    * WPSSO Organization and Place Manager – 1.14.0
    * WPSSO Update Manager – 4.17.0

    The plugin works exactly as I would like and I have no complaints except for one.

    There are WAY WAY WAY too many popups within the Admin UI. EVERY time I load a new page I get popups that there are updates for the main plugin and the add-ons. I get notifications that Google doesn’t support a specific schema type, I get notifications that an image isn’t the right size, all that and more.

    And no matter how many times I click to dismiss, they come back. And frankly I’m sick of it. I’ve tried disabling them, but I refuse to hack my functions.php file to manage something that you should be providing. I’m totally fine with WPSSO updating the admin bar…highlight the icon and tell me I have 3 or 6, or 13 notifications. But STOP showing dropdowns that get in my way and block things that I actually want to look at.

    Please give me a way to turn off this functionality!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author JS Morisset


    There shouldn’t be any notifications – if there are, then WPSSO is letting you know that there is an issue that needs attention and is potentially affecting your ranking in search results. Most notifications can be dismissed permanently, but some errors require the issue to be fixed (and fixing the issue eliminates the notification). Is WPSSO letting you know of an issue that you do not know how to fix, or a notification message you do not understand? If so, copy paste the notification message and I can try to improve it for the next release.


    Thread Starter commadelimited


    JS, here’s a few of the messages.

    Google suggests including a merchant return policy in Schema Product offers markup. If you have not created a return policy in Google Merchant Center, you should activate the WPSSO Merchant Return Policy Manager add-on to manage return policies and select a return policy for your product offers.

    This notice can be dismissed permanently.

    If you advertise or sell items on Facebook and Instagram, the WPSSO Commerce Manager Catalog Feed XML add-on can provide a product feed for Meta’s Commerce Manager. You should activate the WPSSO Commerce Manager Catalog Feed XML add-on if you don’t already have a plugin to manage your Commerce Manager product feed XML.

    This notice can be dismissed permanently.

    Media Library image ID 281797 (marvel-villainous-twisted-ambitions-review-header) ignored – the resulting resized image of 1280×720 is smaller than the minimum of 1200×1200 allowed by the Schema 1:1 (Google Rich Results) standard. This notice can be dismissed permanently.

    Reference: adding schema json-ld markup for this board game review

    My site is media and image heavy, and I get these popups all the time, for example there are 14 on a single article, all the “same thing” but for a different image. Your plugin is interfering with my work. I click into an edit screen, start typing, then the popup displays via AJAX and shows up right where I’m clicking. Sure I can click to close many of them, but then they’ll just show up on another article.

    It’s poor UX, and frankly I don’t care about most of these errors. Like I said, feel free to highlight the icon in the admin bar, but STOP displaying the dropdowns.

    Thread Starter commadelimited


    Note that this notification doesn’t have a “dismiss” option, so I’m forced to see it every time a page loads.

    Please note that although the Schema standard allows the subject of a review to be any Schema type, Google does not allow reviews for the Schema Review type.
    Reference: adding schema json-ld markup for this board game review

    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    The notifications your quoted offer a good example of the checks that WPSSO does to make sure Google gets complete and valid Schema markup. Note that invalid Schema markup (ie. with errors or missing properties) is rejected by Google, so it’s important that the Schema markup of your site conforms to Google’s published requirements. See here for more info: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/search-gallery

    In the notifications you quoted, WPSSO has detected an e-commerce plugin and suggested add-ons that may improve your markup. These can be acknowledged once and dismissed permanently, so you may wish to do that in order not to see them again.

    Most Schema markup requires at least one image, so the warnings you are seeing is WPSSO trying to find an image of the correct size. The first image related notice should include some suggestions to fix the issue – ie. choosing a larger featured image, selecting a larger custom image in the Document SSO metabox, enabling image upscaling, etc. See here for more info: https://wpsso.com/docs/plugins/wpsso/faqs/how-does-wpsso-find-detect-select-images/

    And lastly, the subject of a Schema Review cannot be a Schema Review – ie. you cannot review a review. Instead of ignoring this error, you should fix your selected Schema type – either choose another Schema type than Review, or choose a different Schema type than review for the subject of your review. See here for more info: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/review-snippet


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