• This is my second thread on this as nobody ever replied to the last one, I’m sorry to open a new one but the first is now closed to replies due to being open for so long and we never had a response. This issue is also now affecting several of our websites:

    Whenever we switch on WP Notification Center we get ‘3’ notifications…but clicking to open it shows three empty notifications that we cannot interact with or dismiss. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling but they do not go away. And when it’s not active, we have no pending notifications.

    Here is a screenshot of the issue: https://snipboard.io/0PJDFt.jpg
    Ignore the first notifcation, it’s the red blank ones underneath we have the issue with.

    How can we clear out these empty notifications or fix this?

    Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author roumi



    I’m very sorry for you last post I didn’t see your last message I’ve might stop reading after the resolved part.

    I’ve tried to replicate your issue but I couldn’t, do you know which plugin are throwing these errors notice?

    If you disable the admin notice center plugin are these notices displaying?

    Maybe these are notice that are not suppose to be displayed.

    I’m planning a release this week, I’ll wait to implement a fix for this issue 🙂


    Plugin Author roumi



    The new version is out, do you still have the issue?

    Thread Starter Shadician


    Hi roumi, thanks for your reply. We are still having the same issues even after the update unfortunately.

    So we did some more testing, and I can confirm certain plugins are causing the issue when they are active. Here are the ones causing the weird behaviour:

    -> Featured Images in RSS for MailChimp & More
    -> Code Snippets (even with all snippets disabled)
    -> MyCred

    Just activating any one of these and visiting your plugins page is enough to cause the odd blank notifications to appear. It’s strange as I can’t see anything they have in common or why they would cause it…

    Sorry for my delayed response, for some reason I didn’t get the notification there was a reply here.


    Thread Starter Shadician


    Hi, sorry to chase, just trying to close this issue off. Any updates or thoughts on the above? Thank you

    Plugin Author roumi



    Sorry I didn’t see your responses, I’ve tried to install all 3 plugins on my test website and I can’t reproduce the issue.

    Could you please send me screenshot of the issue and detailed steps to reproduce it?

    Maybe I didn’t configure these plugins the right way.

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