• Resolved Juergen Schulze


    PHP 8.2.0
    DEBIAN 10
    POPUP Maker Version 1.17.1

    Start page is full of deprecated error messages

    Deprecated: strstr(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated in /var/www/XXX/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-page-functions.php on line 139


    Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property PUM_Model_Theme::$content is deprecated in /var/www/XXX/wp-content/plugins/popup-maker/classes/Model/Theme.php on line 327

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  • Plugin Support Kim L


    Hi @1manfactory ,

    We urge you not to worry as these are simply notices and should not cause any errors to your website.

    Nevertheless, we’ll forward the issue about the deprecation notices to our development team.

    If you’re currently having other issues regarding your popups, kindly let us know.

    If there’s more information you could send us, including screenshots, that would be really helpful.

    Please let us know if you have more questions.

    Thread Starter Juergen Schulze


    I know what deprecated error messages are.

    Please just solve this issue. I can’t work as long as every page is flooded with this messages. Or I have to switch strict error messages on and off.

    Plugin Support Kim L


    Hi @1manfactory,

    We understand. We’ve already informed our team about this issue.

    If you have more information to provide such as system information, kindly send it to us by opening a ticket here: https://wppopupmaker.com/support/#submit-a-support-ticket

    Plugin Support Kim L


    Hi @1manfactory ,

    Just want to follow up if you’re still encountering this issue.

    If yes, we’d like to ask for your information and submit it as a ticket as stated above.

    We’ll wait for your email!

    Plugin Support Kim L


    Hi there,

    As we haven’t heard back from you, we’ll be marking this thread as resolved for now.

    Feel free to open a new one if you have new questions!

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @1manfactory for clarity we are patching the second, but the first is not for our plug-in, but I’m assuming that was a mistake to report woocommerce issues to our team. Probably should tell them to fix it if you still need.

    Take care.

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