• Resolved Bastbra



    it seems that the plugin or the injection of ads within it is making a problem with the Gridlove theme, the sticky header is not working properly. If you scroll down, it hides like 40% of it, when you scroll up again it is visible. On the main page, you can see the header as it should be, with the header fully visible at any given moment.

    It must be a problem with AdSense, since I tested another network recently, and it never happened with them, but I’m having this problem for quite a while now and Site Kit could very well be the reason, Advanced Ads does not seem to be the cause of it, as I tested.

    Maybe you can look into that! It would be really helpful!

    Thanks in advance!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @comicschau, and thanks for reaching out, and sorry to hear you’ve not happy with how Auto ads is placing ads across your site. You’re absolutely correct that this is more an AdSense related issue, as opposed to Site Kit, which only inserts Auto ads code on users site. It’s also possible there there is a conflict with your theme and how AdSense logic determines the most suitable ad placement.

    To troubleshoot this further, let me know of the below:

    1. Have you tried disabling ads from specific regions of your site using the Auto ads preview tool? You can preview your site both mobile and desktop version. To do do, see the guide below:
    2. Have you tried disabling Anchor ads. In order to do so, visit your AdSense account and then your Auto ads settings. From there, try to temporarily disable anchor ads  (Ad Formats > Anchor ads).

    Note also that on the URLs I check I don’t see any ads overlaying your content, however, if you have specific examples please share and I’d be happy to check further.

    Thread Starter Bastbra



    I tried that a bit now, but in the preview the error does also not occur, which is already weird. It just happens to be on the mobile version of the “real site” with ads.

    So I looked if there are placed ads in the header slot, which sometimes seems to happen in the desktop version (but is not making problems there) and could also infect the mobile version, even if I can’t see it. Unfortunately, in the ad preview this slot is not marked. If you look at the desktop version, it is placing them in the dark header, so it’s pretty obvious that there has to be some kind of placeholder.

    I don’t know if Anchor ads are the problem, since they are at the bottom, but of course they could have an impact. I will deactive them for a time frame, but of course I don’t know if this is really the error – I kinda doubt it. And of course this is making a strong impact on ad revenue, fixing it without deactivating features like anchor ads would maybe be better. But somehow there must be a way to fix this issue, which really seems to be caused by auto ads.

    Best regards!

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Thanks for the update @comicschau, and you’re right that disabling Anchor ads may not always be the best solution. I will say that anchor ads, despite the name, refer to both ads at the top and the bottom of users sites. Originally they were only at the footer of a site.

    Note also that AdSense are changing the way anchor ads at the top of a users site can be removed. There is a guide reflecting this, however, this is to be updated.

    In relation to you not being able to view the specific ad area using the AdSense site preview tool, have you tried this using a Chrome browser incognito window, while temporarily disabling your consent plugin? Your consent plugin, or a browser feature, could be impacting site visibility.

    As what you’re encountering isn’t Site Kit specific, I’ll close this support topic. Do however reach out to the product experts over at the AdSense Help Center for assistance with either the AdSense site preview tool, or with top anchor ads should issues remain with your site.

    Thread Starter Bastbra


    Hi, it is Site Kit specific. How can I remove those anchors ads above in Site Kit? For me at the bottom is enough and the guide did not help me. I tried to do it with the preview tool, but it did also not work.

    I asked the only other plugin that could cause it and they said this is a Site Kit issue. So yeah, I’m stuck here.

    Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @comicschau,

    The reason I say this isn’t Site Kit specific is the same would apply if you don’t use Site Kit, and place your own AdSense code on your site.

    How can I remove those anchors ads above in Site Kit? For me at the bottom is enough and the guide did not help me.

    I’ve spoken to the AdSense team about this and they will be changing how users can customize how anchor ads (on the top or bottom) can be modified. Unfortunately I don’t have any timeframe on this change, but I would expect that the guide previously applicable will be update.

    For the moment, if you want to ensure anchor ads don’t appear at the top of your site, you can disable Anchor ads overall on your site as suggested above with your Auto ads settings  (Ad Formats > Anchor ads).

    I’m aware that disabling anchor ads overall isn’t ideal, as you’re happy to include bottom anchor ads, however, until the AdSense team allow for further configurations with anchor ads there is no other workaround.

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